Amanda Guldager

I started as an “influencer” at the very young age of 9 or at least filmed some slightly awkward videos and threw them online for my family and closest friends to see. Later, I tried my hand at a joint channel with a friend and subsequently went to work independently and started my own YouTube channel, where it really took off.

Since then, I have filmed loosely about both beauty, entertainment and a lot of serious videos, where I have taken up difficult subjects, among other things about my anxiety at the time.

Follow Amanda Guldager on YouTube and Instagram

Having designed my very own clothing collection with Sistie has been a huge experience and a very big dream that has come true. It has been a great honor to sit with such talented people to each their own thing and create something SO fine and something I am very proud of! Since I was little I have enjoyed both drawing and creating my own "dream clothing collections".

Wearing a dress doesn't have to be "girly".

You can easily put on your coolest sneaks and then it gives a completely different expression than if you put on stilettos. It's about playing a little with the different styles. This is also how I see my own style, it varies according to my thoughts and mood. So you don't have to have ONE specific style, follow the crowd and feel like you have to fit into a specific "category"